Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Brazil’s Lula makes astonishing comeback, wins third term as president

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Brazil’s former leftist president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has stages a remarkable political comeback, beating the far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in one of the most significant elections in the country’s history.

However, the current president had not conceded defeat by Monday morning, raising concerns Bolsonaro might contest the result.

According to the election authority of the country, Lula da Silva secured 50.8% or 60,345,421 votes as compared to Bolsonaro’s 49.2% or 57,976,538 on Sunday.

Brazil won today

“Today the only winner is the Brazilian people,” Lula said while addressing the media during his victory speech at a hotel in São Paulo. “They tried to bury me alive and I’m here,” Lula said in a speech.

Lula promised to reunify Brazil after a toxic fight for power which has greatly divided one of the world’s largest democracies.

 “I will govern for 215m Brazilians … and not just for those who voted for me. There are not two Brazils. We are one country, one people – a great nation,” he said to applause. “It is in nobody’s interests to live in a country that is divided and in a constant state of war.”

“We are going to live new times of peace, love and hope,” he stressed.

Who is Lula?

Lula was born in 1945 in Brazil’s northeastern state of Pernambuco in a farming family, where the second last of eight children grew up in poverty.

The 77-year-old veteran leftist, Lula served as the former president of Brazil from 2003 to 2010. He had been a presidential candidate during 2018 elections until a money laundering and corruption case cut back his political aspirations.

While he was sent to prison, a former army captain, Bolsonaro, won the presidency.

Later in 2019, the former metal worker was released from prison as his convictions were upended by the Supreme Court, allowing him to contest again for the office.

Congratulations sent from across the world

The international community quickly acknowledged Lula’s win, as world leaders sent him congratulatory notes from across the world.

United States President Joe Biden congratulated Lula for his victory in Brazil’s “free, fair and credible elections”, while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that he looked forward to work with Lula for the protection of the environment.

French President Emmanuel Macron said that Lula’s win “opens a new page” in Brazil’s history. “Together we will join forces to address the many common challenges and renew the bond of friendship between our two countries,” he said in a tweet.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also sent congratulations and said “The voting results confirmed your high political authority. I hope that by joint efforts we will ensure the further development of constructive Russian-Brazilian cooperation in all areas.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he hopes to work with Lula to advance shared interests, including protecting the environment.

Chinese President Xi Jinping also sent congratulations to the leader of Brazil. He said that China and Brazil are both major developing countries and important emerging markets and that China is “ready to work with President-elect Lula to jointly plan for and elevate China-Brazil comprehensive strategic partnership to a new height” to benefit the people.

UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak tweeted “I look forward to working together on the issues that matter to the UK and Brazil, from growing the global economy to protecting the planet’s natural resources and promoting democratic values”.

Josep Borell, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, commended the “peaceful and well-organized election” and said he hopes to advance EU-Brazil relations under Lula.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said she hopes to working with Brazil to address significant global challenges such as food security, trade and climate change.

Argentina President Alberto Fernandez celebrated “a new era” for Latin America’s history with Lula’s win. “A time of hope and future that begins today,” Fernandez tweeted.

Colombia’s recently-elected President Gustavo Petro, kept his post-election message short: “Viva Lula.

Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánches, said that Brazil had “decided to bet on progress and hope.”

Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro tweeted “a big hug” to Lula, adding, “Long live the peoples determined to be free, sovereign and independent! Today in Brazil democracy triumphed.”

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said: “Lula won. The people of Brazil are blessed. There will be equality and humanity.”


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