Azerbaijan and Amenia exchange war prisoners in step towards normalization of ties

Azerbaijan and Armenia exchanged prisoners of war in accordance with an earlier agreement aimed to fostering a peace treaty between the two countries.

The prisoner exchange and the step towards normalization of toes was hailed by the European Union as a major step toward peace and stability in the tumultuous region.

Azerbaijan repatriated two servicemen, while Armenia welcomed back 32 soldiers, according to reports from officials in both nations.

“Thirty-one personnel from Armenia’s armed forces captured in 2020-2023 and one serviceman captured in Nagorno-Karabakh in September have crossed the Azerbaijani-Armenian border and are on Armenian territory,” Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wrote on his Facebook account.

Rare chance to attain peace

In a joint statement issued last week, the two countries expressed a shared belief in a “historical chance to achieve a long-awaited peace.” They said they intend “to normalize relations and to reach the peace treaty on the basis of respect for the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

The event followed Azerbaijan’s rapid military campaign in September within the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region, terminating three decades of Armenian rule and prompting the flight of the majority of its 120,000 residents, internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan.

The joint statement further outlined intentions to continue discussions on confidence-building measures while soliciting international support for building mutual trust. This comes after months of acrimonious debates between the nations regarding the peace process, marked by mutual distrust.

US and Europe welcome step towards normalization of relation

Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, lauded the agreement as a major breakthrough. He particularly highlighted the significance of the detainee release and the “unprecedented opening in political dialogue”. Urging a swift finalization of a peace deal, Michel called on both Armenia and Azerbaijan to expedite the process.

The United States also welcomed the announcement by Armenia and Azerbaijan of the release of two Azerbaijani and 32 Armenian detainees. “This commitment represents an important confidence-building measure as the sides work to finalize a peace agreement and normalize relations,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement.

Azerbaijan wins regional backing to host COP29

In related news, Azerbaijan is set to host the UN climate talks in 2024, following a diplomatic stalemate.

“We’re very grateful to all countries, in particular to the Eastern European group and the [COP28 summit] host United Arab Emirates for their support,” Azerbaijan’s Ecology Minister Mukhtar Babayev said in an address at COP28.

This was an integral aspect of the agreement between the two countries. Armenia also agreed to withdraw objections to Azerbaijan hosting the upcoming international conference on climate change COP29 in the following year. This move underscored the cooperative spirit emerging between the two nations.

Additionally, Azerbaijan announced a snap presidential election scheduled for early February, just ahead of Russia’s impending vote. The international community remains watchful as these developments unfold, hopeful for sustained progress toward lasting peace in the region.

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