Controversial ‘Slavery Simulator’ game removed from Google app store amid outrage in Brazil

Google has removed the highly controversial game called Slavery Simulator from its app store, following widespread outrage in Brazil.

The game, developed by Magnus Games and launched on April 20, allowed players to “buy and sell” black characters, as well as engage in various forms of torture against them. The game had been reportedly downloaded over 1,000 times and had a rating of four out of five stars before its removal on Wednesday.

Brazil, a country still grappling with the legacy of slavery that was only abolished in 1888, expressed particular condemnation of the app. According to images of the game, users were offered a choice to either liberate the enslaved characters or “use slaves for your own enrichment. Prevent the abolition of slavery and accumulate wealth”.

Social media users in Brazil expressed their fury over the game, while several prominent politicians called for greater accountability from tech companies. Renata Souza, a black activist and regional politician from Rio de Janeiro, described the game idea and imagery as “blatant racism.”

“The image illustrating the game has a white man surrounded by black men. It is absurdly violent. Google and the developer must answer for this crime of hatred and racism.”

Denise Pessoa, a lawmaker with the governing PT political party, calling the game “ABSURD”, emphasized that Brazil’s history was built on the blood of the black population and condemned the game as “cruelty and hate speech” that should not be available.

In response to the controversy, Brazil’s Public Prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation into how the game, known as Simulador de Escravidão in Portuguese, was allowed on the Google Play Store. Brazil’s Ministry for Racial Equality has also arranged a meeting with Google to develop “anti-racist content moderation” policies, and the developers will face legal responsibility for their creation.

A spokesperson from Google stated that the Play Store prohibits apps that promote violence, incite hatred based on race or ethnic origin, or depict gratuitous violence or other dangerous activities. The spokesperson emphasized that appropriate action is taken when violations are identified

Magnus Games, the developers of Slavery Simulator, had mentioned in the game’s description that it was created solely for entertainment purposes.

“All game content is fictional and not tied to specific historical events. All coincidences are accidental.”

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