Iran develops app that predicts damage to trees

Derakhtban’ (‘Tree Protector’) can predict the time of uprooting and damage to trees

TEHRAN (Iran) — Iran has developed a special mobile phone application that can determine if a tree is in danger of falling because of certain damages caused by severe climate or diseases.

The app called ‘Derakhtban’(Tree Protector) can predict the time of uprooting and damage to trees as well as  identify the tree diseases, such as pests and other problem, with 87% precision.

Nozar Nozari the app developer, told Iranian Mehr news agency, that “Derakhtban (Tree Protector) can receive location and appearance information about the tree and connect to weather stations (synoptic charts providing information on air pressure, rainfall, wind and temperature), analyze the data and predict the time of uprooting or breaking of the tree with 87 percent precision.”

The mobile application developer also informed that the application has the option to store data on geographical information system (GIS), and can inform the gardener of the frost date with high precision.

‘Derakhtban’ can predict the soil moisture and suggest an appropriate time for watering, thus having the highest efficiency in water consumption, according to the app developer.

“Derakhtban can receive information about the types of trees and identify the pests and other problems in the trees and offer solutions to the gardener,” he said.

Nozari claimed that his application has been designed for the very first time and has no similar domestic or foreign version.

Several types of mobile applications have been developed to assess the potential impact of environment such as trees’ growing practices, quality of farming and gardening had been developed.

For instance, Know Your H2O helps crop growers assess the potential impact their growing practices may have on water quality. Developed by the UC Cooperative Extension Agricultural Water Quality Research and Education Program in San Diego (U.S.), the app asks growers several questions about their growing practices, then suggests best management practices that can reduce runoff or leaching of contaminants from orchards into water.


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