Ireland, Norway and Spain formally recognize Palestinian state

Norway, Ireland, and Spain, on May 22, decided to formally recognize Palestinian state, breaking with the long-held position of Western countries that a Palestinian state can only come as part of a negotiated peace with Israel.

The historic recognition will take effect on May 28, according to Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide.

Norway officially recognizes Palestinian state

The series of announcements began with Norway. Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, at a press conference in Oslo on Wednesday, emphasized the necessity of recognition for peace in the Middle East.

“There cannot be peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition,” Støre said. “By recognizing a Palestinian state, Norway supports the Arab peace plan.”

The Scandinavian country “will therefore regard Palestine as an independent state with all the rights and obligations that entails,” Støre added.

Several European Union countries also indicated plans to recognize the Palestinian state, suggesting that this move by Norway, Ireland, and Spain could catalyze broader support within the EU and potentially influence actions at the United Nations, further isolating Israel diplomatically.

Norway, although not an EU member, closely follows its policies and has been a strong advocate for a two-state solution.

Støre condemned terrorism by groups like Hamas but stressed that Palestine deserves statehood.

“Palestine has a fundamental right to an independent state,” he said. The announcement came as Israeli forces intensified operations in Gaza, causing massive displacements and humanitarian concerns.

Ireland recognizes Palestinian state

Ireland’s Prime Minister Simon Harris echoed this sentiment, describing the day as “an historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine.”
Harris coordinated the announcement with Spain and Norway, aiming to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a two-state solution. He expressed hope that other countries would follow “in the weeks ahead”.

“Today Ireland, Norway and Spain are announcing that we recognize the state of Palestine,” said Harris. “Each of us will now undertake whatever national steps are necessary to give effect to that decision.” Harris said he was confident other countries would now follow the move taken by Ireland, Spain and Norway in the coming weeks.

Taoiseach Simon Harris announced the recognition flanked by Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin and leader of the Green Party Eamon Ryan.

Spain recognizes Palestine

In Spain, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez made the announcement to Parliament, underscoring his commitment to the recognition after months of diplomacy. Sánchez stated. “We know that this initiative won’t bring back the past and the lives lost in Palestine, but we believe that it will give the Palestinians two things that are very important for their present and their future: dignity and hope,” Sánchez said.

“This recognition is not against anyone, it is not against the Israeli people,” but rather a move for peace and justice. He noted that the initiative supported the viability of a two-state solution, which he believed is in jeopardy due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Israel condemns recognitions, recalls ambassadors from Ireland, Norway

In response to these recognitions, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz recalled ambassadors from Ireland and Norway and threatened to do the same with Spain’s ambassador.

Katz condemned the recognitions, arguing they reward terrorism and complicate efforts for a cease-fire and hostage negotiations in Gaza.
“Ireland and Norway intend to send a message today to the Palestinians and the whole world: terrorism pays,” Katz said.

Palestine welcomes recognitions

The Palestinian response has been positive, with a senior Hamas official praising the recognition as a result of the “brave resistance” of the Palestinian people. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) also hailed the decisions as “historical moments in which the free world triumphs for truth and justice.”

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