Pakistan to introduce improved new Human Rights policy

Human Rights policy with a comprehensive plan of action for implementation and better results would be established soon in Pakistan

By Humaira Sharif

ISLAMABAD – Minister of State for Human Rights, Barrister Zaffar Ullah on Wedndesday said, new Human Rights policy with a comprehensive plan of action for implementation and better results would be established soon.

“For the first time in the history of the country a concrete Human Rights Policy with a comprehensive Plan of Action for implementation with specified time frame would be established soon.”He told APP that the policy would be focussed on three key areas,

He said that the policy would be focussed on three key areas, firstly protection of rights of human beings according to the teaching of Islam as our religion emphasized to secure rights of vulnerable on priority.

Secondly provision of fundaments rights to every citizen of the country without any discrimination, adding, Section 8 to 28 of our constitution addressed rights of people which should be implemented properly in later and spirit.

Thirdly, he said, it is time to prove ourself as a responsible nation in the commity of international world and our country has ratified a number of international treties and convention to safe guard rights of masses.

He further informed that they have started restructuring of the ministry and new wings would be introduced to protect rights of marganalized segments of the society especially women, children, persons with disabilities, senior citizens, minorities etc.

The minister said in new wings they would hire professionals to work exclusively safeguarding rights of people adding, “Our focus would be on experts and professional human resource and bureau cratic system would not be encouraged in the new set up”.

He further said establishment of a National Commission on the Rights of child is also on their priority list with the recommendations of all stakeholders after conducting indepth consultation with them.

He informed that a `Law Reforms Committee’ has already been constituted which would follow bills from intial to last step for speedy law making process in the best interest of people.

The minister that they have singed a `Memorandum of Understanding’ with a non-government organization for capacity building of people so that their abilities to be utilized at the optimum level.Barrister Zaffar Ullah said after singing Generalized System of

Barrister Zaffar Ullah said after singing Generalized System of Prefrence (GSP) Plus Pakistan has ratified 27 international conventions among which seven are directly related to Human Rights issues so besides moral obligations they are particularly foucussing to meet requirements of international treties.


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