Pakistani girl brings laurels home at the global memory competition

She won the 29th edition of the World Memory Championship competing against more than 300 participants

Pakistan’s Emma Alam won the 29th World Memory Championships global finals, beating over 300 competitors from around the globe. She also teams up with Syeda Kisa Zehra to break multiple world records in this year’s championship.

Alam won the three-day competition, competing in more than ten disciplines. Her competitors came from several countries including China, Canada, UK, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Algeria, the United States, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Libya, Qatar, and Iraq.

The youngster was thrilled to win the prestigious global event and said that she put a lot of handwork into it over the last two years. She also aims to even better her performance in coming competitions. “I had aimed to give my best in WMC 2020, backed by a lot of daily practice for the past two years with my coach and the institute. It still astonishes me how powerful the mechanism of human memory is and the brain’s infinite information storage system,” Emma said.

Abeerah Ather, another member of Team Pakistan, achieved 7th position in the 2020 global rankings. Emma and Team Pakistan were trained under the Institute of Human Memory Development International (IHMD).

World Memory Championships was founded in 1991 by the world-renowned Tony Buzan and Raymond Keene to highlight human memory’s incredible power. Since then, the contests have taken place all over the world. Instead of testing the physical endurance, the championship instead gauges the mental abilities of a person.

Pakistan is full of talent and can achieve similar feats in all fields of life. However, patronage from the government and the business community is crucial since a lot of time and dedication need to be put into such preparations. We hope that Emma will inspire more youngsters to follow suit and win laurels for the motherland.

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