President, PM call on international community to help the people of IOC

India has been oppressing the people of the region for ages and now have turned the valley into a literal jail

President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan called out the international community to support the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir on the Kashmir Solidarity Day. India has denied the people of Occupied Kashmir their right to self-determination for seven decades now, a right that India for seventy years. Pakistan has been providing moral support to the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir and will continue to do so in the times to come.  

President calls India to honor UN Resolutions

President Arif Alvi wants the UN Resolutions on Kashmir to be implemented, giving Kashmiris the right to self-determination. India has refused to act on these resolutions for more than seventy years now and is now trying to change the demographics of the region by forcing people from other parts of the country to settle in Kashmir, completely against even its own constitution. Indian occupation forces have been involved in systematic abductions, tortures, and extra-judicial killing of the Kashmiris. Alvi noted that the current Indian government is making it worst for the people with its hate-filled Hindutva agenda. The president also called upon the international community to play its part in bringing India to justice for its misdeeds in the occupied valley.

Also Read: Pakistan calls for an international inquiry into extrajudicial killings of Kashmir laborers

Prime Minister calls for restoration of the right of the Kashmiri People

Prime Minister Imran Khan called for the restoration of the constitutional rights given to the people of the occupied valley under India’s own constitution. These rights are taken away by the Indian government as a result of actions taken on Aug. 5, 2019. The people of the occupied valley are literally living under jail-like conditions since then and have suffered emotionally and financially due to the BJP government’s heavy-handedness. Youngsters are illegally arrested and moved to unknown detention centers where they are often tortured. There is a soldier for every nine people living in the region, which speaks much about the forced control maintained by the Indian government in Kashmir.

It is crucial that the world community comes to the rescue of the people of the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It has been ages since the people of the occupied valley have lived under the barbaric Indian regimes and they finally need a chance to live according to their own aspirations.  


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