Saudi Arabia and Israel ‘getting closer’ to normalizing relations

Saudi Arabia and Israel expressed growing optimism about their path towards a historic normalization of relations on September 20 as U.S. President Joe Biden continued to aim for this diplomatic victory during the election year, aspiring to reshape the Middle East by securing Saudi Arabia’s recognition of Israel.

This development came amidst discussions about a mutual defense treaty between Saudi Arabia and the United States, which included provisions for military support in the event of regional threats.

“There’s a common understanding among all the leaders about this very historic step between Israel and Saudi Arabia, that all the leaders involved in this have to do some very hard things, and that includes the Prime Minister of Israel, and that includes some component related to the fundamental issue between Israelis and Palestinians,” said an anonymous administration official, speaking to reporters under the condition of anonymity, after US president’s meeting with Netanyahu during United Nations General Assembly in New York City. The official declined to elaborate on what that component might look like.

Saudi Crown Prince says Israel normalization is ‘closer’

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) expressed that his nation was steadily progressing toward establishing normalized relations with Israel.

“Every day, we draw closer,” the crown prince conveyed during an interview with US broadcaster Fox News, Reuters reported. The full interview was scheduled to air later on Wednesday.

This development followed similar actions taken by other Gulf countries and coincided with a significant effort by the US to facilitate a Saudi-Israeli agreement.

U.S. considering defense treaty with Saudi Arabia

The Biden Administration is currently in discussions with Saudi officials regarding the formulation of a mutual defense treaty. This proposed treaty aims to establish a military alliance similar to those the United States has with certain Asian allies and simultaneously promote the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, a source told the New York Times on September 19.

One key aspect of this potential agreement involves the assurance of military support in the event of an attack on either Saudi Arabia or the U.S. within the region or on Saudi territory, as reported by the Times.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly sought the Biden Administration’s assistance in developing a civilian nuclear program, despite long-standing reservations from some quarters in Washington.

It’s worth noting that Saudi Arabia has never formally recognized Israel as an independent country.

Netanyahu and Erdogan hold first direct talks, discuss Saudi-Israel normalization

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu engaged in discussions about the potential normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia during his first confirmed meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday.

The meeting followed Erdogan’s recent statement to reporters expressing his support for the Biden administration’s efforts to facilitate an Israeli-Saudi agreement, emphasizing its potential to reduce tensions in the region.

Netanyahu’s office also reported that he and Erdogan agreed to coordinate forthcoming reciprocal visits.

According to the Turkish account of Tuesday’s meeting, the leaders addressed matters concerning Israeli-Palestinian relations. Additionally, Erdogan advocated for collaboration in areas such as energy, technology, innovation, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

The Turkish foreign minister, energy minister, and intelligence chief were present during the meeting, after which Erdogan shared images on Twitter, expressing hope that “our consultations will be beneficial for our country and the region.”

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