Thursday, July 4, 2024

After UAE, Sudan on the verge of a peace deal with Israel

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After Israel-UAE formal ties, more Arab countries are expected to follow suit as well

Sudan and Israel appear to be on the brink of a deal after clear signals from both side. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted about benefits of Israel and UAE deal to the two countries, Sudan and the rest of the region. Officials from Sudan government also acknowledged that discussion with Israel are at an advanced stage.

“Israel, Sudan and the entire region will benefit from the peace agreement (with the UAE) and will be able to build a better future together for all people in the region,” Netanyahu tweeted.

A Sudanese Foreign Ministry official said that the government is “looking forward to concluding a peace agreement with Israel,” the Associated Press reported.

Sky News Arabia quoted Sudanese Foreign Ministry spokesman Haidar Badawi Sadiq as saying Tuesday, “There is no reason to continue hostility between Sudan and Israel.” “We do not deny there are communications” between the countries, he added.

Sudan has historically maintained a strict anti-Israel stance. However, a two-hours long meeting between Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of Sudan’s transitional sovereign council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan appears to have broken the ice.

Second deal within weeks

Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently inked a deal to being diplomatic and business ties. The deal will allow both countries to get access to each other’s markets. Turkey, Iran, and Palestine have severely criticized the deal. Turkey is mulling over cutting diplomatic ties with the UAE over the move. Meanwhile, the Pro-West Arab States and the European countries have hailed the deal. Israel’s intelligence minister in a statement said that Bahrain and Oman could be the next countries to follow.


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