Azerbaijan grateful to Pakistan for support during Patriotic War and liberation of Karabakh

The Azerbaijan Embassy in Pakistan on November 1 marked the first anniversary of the “44-day Patriotic War” to liberate its territories from Armenian occupation.

The embassy organized a photo exhibition showing the destruction of occupied Azerbaijani territories in the region by Armenia and the scenes of liberation.

Addressing a news conference in Islamabad, Azerbaijan’s Ambassador Khazar Farhadov thanked Pakistan for continuous support on the Karabakh issue, saying his nation will always remember its true friends.

“We are grateful for the resolute position of brother Pakistan on the issues of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity before and during the Patriotic War” the ambassador said.

“During the Patriotic War government, Parliament and people of Pakistan morally and politically supported us condemning Armenian aggression and supporting Azerbaijan’s just position to restore its territorial integrity. This is a true demonstration of brotherhood” he recalled.

On this occasion, he also reaffirmed that “Azerbaijan supports the settlement of the Kashmir issue in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.”

War crimes by Armenia

“Armenia for almost 30 years kept under occupation almost 20 per cent of my country’s territory. The occupation was accompanied by notorious war crimes and crimes against humanity. Armenia committed the Khojaly genocide in February 1992, killing hundreds of civilians, including 106 women and 63 children. 1275 Azerbaijanis were taken hostage, 150 of them are still missing” Ambassador Farhadov shared.

“Armenia’s ethnic cleansing has resulted in more than a million Azerbaijanis becoming refugees and internally displaced persons.”

In 1993, the UN Security Council adopted four resolutions calling for the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of armed forces Armenia from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. However, these and all other similar decisions adopted by relevant international organizations have been ignored by Armenia.

He also expressed his gratitude to Pakistan for initiating the first resolution at UN supporting Azerbaijan’s just position.

Patriotic War

In July 2020, Armenia committed a military provocation on the state border with Azerbaijan in which 13 servicemen and civilians were killed.

On September 27 last year, Armenia launched a large-scale attack on Azerbaijani military positions and civilians.

In response, Azerbaijan launched a counterattack in its own territories against Armenia, using the right to self-defense enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter.

“For 44 days, the Armenian armed forces intensively fired on the regions and cities along and also far from the frontline. Armenia used ballistic missiles such as the Scud and Iskander-M, as well as banned white phosphorus and cluster munitions.”

As a result of these Armenian war crimes, more than 100 civilians, including 11 children, were killed and more than 450 were injured. More than 12,000 civilian infrastructure, including individual houses, has been destroyed or severely damaged in Azerbaijan. Armenia has also attracted mercenaries and foreign fighters from abroad, he said.

Liberation of Karabakh

During the 44-day conflict, Azerbaijan liberated several cities and nearly 300 settlements and villages. Armenia had to sign an act of capitulation on 10 November 2020 and was obliged to withdraw its troops from the remaining part of Azerbaijan’s territories, namely Aghdam, Lachin and Kalbajar regions.  

On November 10, 2020, the two countries signed a Russia-brokered agreement to end the fighting and move toward a comprehensive resolution. The ceasefire agreement suggests a major victory for Azerbaijan and a defeat for Armenia.

After the liberation, Azerbaijan began to revive the liberated territories, which were completely destroyed by Armenia. Azerbaijan began to rebuild and restore its territories. In just 8 months, the Fizuli international airport was built in Azerbaijan, and work is underway in all the liberated territories.

Pakistan has also extended support to Azerbaijan to rebuild its liberated areas.


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