Friday, July 5, 2024

Facebook partners With Women’s Digital League to train Pakistani women

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Sana Jamal
Sana Jamal
Sana Jamal is a journalist from Pakistan who writes for local and international news media. She also manages Islamabad Scene

Facebook’s “She Means Business” programme has trained 8,000 Pakistani women in collaboration with PITB

Pakistani women like others, backing society men in almost every walk of life.  Women’s contribution in term of earning independently in a community makes more significance.

With this aim, the Women’s Digital League (WDL), a domestic social enterprise, has inked an agreement with social networking giant Facebook for the promotion, training & home-based women entrepreneurs of Pakistan’s women.

WDL became the second organisation in the country after the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) to collaborate with Facebook for its “She Means Business” programme.

The programme, which was launched by Facebook across the world on March 8, 2016, to celebrate women who have built and run businesses, and delivering resources to help those who might one day do so themselves. Through this program, Facebook has trained more than 50,000 women online.

Moreover, “She Means Business” programme has currently provided training to more than 8,000 women entrepreneurs in 16 different countries.

While airing her thoughts on the Facebook’s collaboration, the co-founder and president of Women’s Digital League, Maria Umar said,

“WDL has been working to enable digital livelihood for women in Pakistan for nine years. We have now partnered with Facebook for their ‘She Means Business’ programme which is geared towards women building and running a business”.

“With the help of the training conducted under this collaboration, we hope to arm thousands of women the knowledge and push needed to start a business on Facebook,” she added.

Facebook and WDL will be preparing ladies to use online networking platforms (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram) better keeping in mind the end goal to advertise their items in major urban areas like Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar before extending their administrations to different nations.


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