Sunday, July 7, 2024

General Raheel dismisses 12 Army officers over corruption charges

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Lietenant General Obaid Ullah Khattak and Major General Ejaz Shahid were among those dismissed. Other include three brigadiers and a colonel

ISLAMABAD (Pakistan) – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif has terminated 12 army officers from services for corruption including a three star general. All the service benefits of these officers have been taken back by the military authorities. However, be entitled to receive their pensions and medical care. None of the officers was slapped a jail term.

The development has come in two days after the Army Chief called for accountability across the board in the country amid Panama leaks.

Lietenant General Obaid Ullah Khattak and Major General Ejaz Shahid were among those dismissed. Other include three brigadiers and a colonel

From 2010 to 2013, Lt Gen Obaidullah Khan served as Inspector General of Frontier Corps (IGFC). He was succeeded by Maj Gen Ejaz Shahid. Several other officers who faced the dismissal had also served with the IGFC.

A top army officer said the money involved in the scam that led to the sackings ranges from Rs 35 billion to Rs 40 billion. ‘The sacked officers admitted to have minted Rs 22 billion through corruption,’ officials said.

The investigation conducted by Adjutant Gen Zubair Mahmood Hayat on the orders of the army chief, the charged officers were asked to return all earnings accumulated through corruption.

General Raheel Sharif said that the ongoing war against terrorism and extremism cannot bring enduring peace and stability until the menace of corruption is uprooted from the country. Across the board accountability is necessary for the solidarity, integrity and prosperity of Pakistan, said the Army chief, speaking during a visit to the Signal Regimental Centre in Kohat.

‘Pakistan Armed Forces will fully support every meaningful effort in that direction, which would ensure a better future for our next generations,’ he added.

The army chief’s call for across-the-board accountability comes as the ruling family is embroiled in the explosive Panama Papers which count Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family among other global political elite with undeclared offshore assets.

PTI chairman Imran Khan, have demanded a probe into the scandal, with some calling for the PM to step down.

PPP leader Qamar Zaman Kaira said it was time for the PM and his family to come clean regarding the Panama leaks.

Jamaat-i-Islami’s Ameer Sirajul Haq said the civilian leadership should stand united against “economic terrorism” like it stands against militancy and terrorism after Army Public School massacre.

Security analyst Talat Masood said the Army chief has “set an example for politicians to follow” and the decision would “build pressure on politicians as well as the judiciary to root out corruption”.

PML-N’s Zubair Umar said that only the PML-N and prime minister should not be targeted. He also called for an ‘across the board accountability’ by holding ‘corrupt elements’ within the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) and PPP as well.

Political and military analysts believe the dismissals in the military had weakened Mr. Sharif indirectly.

“The signal to the civilians is very clear,” said Ikram Sehgal, a Pakistani security expert who served in the military. “The military is saying that we can take action against our own. Now, it’s your turn. The sword of Damocles is hanging over you.”

Cyril Almeida, an editor at Dawn, a leading Pakistani newspaper, said, “If the civilians aren’t going to raise the bar themselves, then General Sharif has signaled that he’ll help do it for everyone.”

He added, “The corruption issue has tapped into a vein of wide disgruntlement in Pakistan.”

Some analysts reacted on Twitter:


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