Friday, July 5, 2024

Israel continues to pummel Gaza as calls for ceasefire fall on deaf ears

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So far, 219 people have been killed in Gaza while Israel has reported 12 casualties so far

Israel continues to ignore international calls for a ceasefire as its jets pummel the civilian Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip. So far, 219 people including more than 60 children have died during the conflict while 12 Israelis have been reported dead during the ten days of fighting. Along with the aerial bombing, Israeli forces also killed civilians by resorting to firing on protestors.   

Rockets fired by Hamas

Hamas has been firing rockets at Israel but almost of all they are useless with Israel’s Iron Dome system protects against such strikes. However, Israel has leveled a number of buildings housing the civilian population with their guided missiles. Voice of Jerusalem radio employee Yusuf Abu Hussein was also killed in one of the bombings by Israeli forces.

Israel targeting civilian population

Most of the buildings destroyed are residential compounds. A mosque and educational centers have also been damaged. So far, over 450 buildings have been damaged or destroyed by the Israeli bombing including six hospitals and nine primary healthcare facilities. The losses suffered by the residents of Gaza are estimated to be around a quarter of a billion dollars already.

International community needs to do more

Mere condemnations and calls for peace will achieve very little. Israel has been blatantly violating international laws and committing war crimes with no one taking notice. Unless those responsible for the massacres of the civilians are held accountable, the common folks of Gaza will always suffer.

Pakistan playing its part

Pakistan is playing its part by gathering international support for Palestine and providing the Palestinians with aid. Medical and humanitarian aid will be sent to the war torn region soon. Pakistan’s foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi also met his counterpart in Turkey on his way to the U.S. to attend UNGA session. Both sides condemned the persecution of the Palestinians.  


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