Israel’s attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque sparks global condemnation

World leaders and global organizations are condemning the brutal attack carried out by Israeli forces on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem for the second consecutive night, as concerns grow about a potential escalation in violence.

Several state leaders including the UN, Turkey, US, and Canada, along with other global organizations expressed shock and concern while condemning the attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Israeli forces fired stun grenades and attacked Palestinian worshippers on Wednesday which raised alarms about a potential escalation of violence. In their response, Palestinian fighters in Gaza launched rockets, and Israel conducted airstrikes on multiple sites in the besieged coastal enclave.

The strong reaction from the world following the pre-dawned raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque is given below:

Arab League

The Arab League condemned the “crimes” committed by Israeli forces against defenseless Muslim worshippers and warned that the raid risked “igniting a spiral of violence that threatens security and stability in the region and the world”.

The Arab League called on the United Nations and the Security Council to take legal, moral, and humanitarian action to halt Israeli aggression and provide international protection for the Palestinians.

United Nations

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was “shocked and appalled” by the images of Israeli security forces assaulting people at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, according to his spokesperson StephaneDujarric.

Dujarric stated on Wednesday that Guterres had seen pictures of the “violence and beating” that occurred in the holy site, which was particularly troubling as it happened during a holy time for Jews, Christians, and Muslims when peace and nonviolence are expected.

“Places of worship should only be used for peaceful religious observances,” he said.

United States

The US expressed its concern and called on both Israelis and Palestinians to exercise restraint.

“We remain extremely concerned by the continuing violence and we urge all sides to avoid further escalation,” said John Kirby, White House National Security Council spokesman, while talking t the reporters.

“It’s imperative, now more than ever, that both Israelis and Palestinians work together to de-escalate this tension and to restore a sense of calm.”


Turkish President Erdogan condemned the Israeli police raid, calling it a “red line” for Turkey. “I condemn the vile acts against the first qibla of Muslims in the name of my country and people, and I call for the attacks to be halted as soon as possible,” Erdogan said.

“The name of this is the politics of repression, the politics of blood, the politics of provocation. Turkey can never remain silent and unmoved in the face of these attacks. The state denounced the attacks as “unacceptable” and said they violated the mosque’s “sacred” character.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that normalization with Israel has started, but their commitment cannot be at the expense of the Palestinian cause and principles.

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates also condemned the attack on the Holy Mosque, according to the state’s foreign ministry.

“The UAE called on Israeli authorities to halt escalation and avoid exacerbating tension and instability in the region,” said the statement issued by the ministry.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also expressed concern over the Israeli government’s rhetoric and approach towards Palestinians, as well as the violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“We’re extremely concerned with the inflamed rhetoric coming out of the Israeli government, we’re concerned about the judicial reforms … we’re concerned by the violence around the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Trudeau said.

He urged Israel to change its approach and shift towards a more peaceful resolution, while stating that as a close friend to Israel, Canada is deeply concerned with the current direction of the Israeli government.

Many other countries and organizations also condemned Israel’ attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Jordan, the custodian of Jerusalem’s Christian and Muslim holy sites, criticized Israel’s “flagrant” storming of the compound.

Pakistan strongly condemned the recent Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque. The National Assembly passed a resolution stating that the attacks on women and children are a gross violation of human rights.

Egypt’s foreign ministry demanded an immediate stop to Israel’s “blatant assault” on Al-Aqsa worshippers.

Germany’s foreign ministry spokesman called on those who have an influence on the situation to avoid pouring “more oil on the fire.”

Qatar warned that Israeli actions would have serious repercussions on security and stability in the region and undermine peace efforts unless the international community took action.

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