Monday, July 8, 2024

Mustafa Kamal exposes ‘bad deeds’ of MQM chief Altaf Hussain

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In a fiery and emotional press conference, former mayor of Karachi city, Mustafa Kamal exposed the bad deeds of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain and accused him of having links with Indian RAW. He also announced to launch a new political party on Thursday to challenge the iron grip of the MQM in the city.

“Today we are launching a new political party,” a weeping Kamal said at a news conference. “Children have been slain and generations have been destroyed by Altaf Husain. This is my challenge.”

Addressing the media, Kamal lashed out sharply at MQM chief Altaf Hussain. “We have returned today because every child of Pakistan, every party, the establishment of Pakistan as well as the present and past government’s know, that Altaf Hussain has links with the Indian intelligence agency RAW,” he alleged.

Kamal claimed Altaf was misleading the people of Pakistan that “since he has raised his voice against the establishment of Pakistan, he is being cornered and silenced”.

“Did Saulat Mirza have any personal dispute with Shahid Hamid? Who made Saulat Mirza the murderer of Shamid Hamid? Ajmal Pahari, who made him a terrorist?’ he said, visibly in tears.

“We have come to save lives, to bridge the differences,” he said, adding that he was praying to the Almighty to bring Altaf Hussain back to the right path. He urged Altaf Hussain to seek forgiveness from the Almighty.

Kamal said the MQM chief was not happy about the PTI votes and asked party workers to attack PTI’s peaceful protest and target children and women of Karachi.

Kamal said that he served as Karachi Nazim and spent Rs 300 billion on the city, but never made his own property or wealth. “During the last couple of months of my tenure I was looking for a rented house to live in. I have no property in Karachi – a city where I was the mayor.”

Kamal appealed to the establishment to see the Urdu-speaking community in the same light as the rest of the loyal citizens of Pakistan. He appealed that the community was not disloyal to the state and pleaded that they be brought back to the fold so they could help build the country.

MQM Convener Nadeem Nusrat while addressing the press conference, rejected Mustafa Kamal’s allegations and said Altaf Hussain cares for his supporters. He added that instead of talking to others, the establishment should speak to Altaf Hussain.

“I want to revive the true identity of Muhajir Community and people of Karachi which is being destroyed by MQM.”
Nusrat said that Altaf Hussain has worked tirelessly for the party and the nation. This is not the first time that the party has been targeted as it has been victimized in the past also.

He was shortlisted for the World Mayor Prize in 2010. He has also served as the IT Minister for the Sindh province from 2003 to 2005. Formerly, he was a telephone operator at 90 (MQM headquarter) in Karachi.


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