Saturday, July 6, 2024

Pakistan calls for an international inquiry into extrajudicial killings of Kashmir laborers

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The Indian army tried to make it look like an encounter by placing arms next to the laborers killed in cold blood

Pakistan has renewed calls for an independent international inquiry into the extrajudicial killing of three innocent Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Indian armed forces killed three Kashmiri laborers in cold blood on July 2020 in Shopian. Arms were placed to their corpses by the Indian army to make it look like an encounter.

The local police have carried out an inquiry that has found loopholes in the story from the Indian army. A police statement issued recently said the officer and two others “planted illegally acquired weapons and material on their dead bodies after stripping them of their identities and tagged them as hardcore “terrorists” in possession of war-like stores.”  

Indian military tyranny continues

Extrajudicial killings in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is quite common. Similar findings of extrajudicial killings have been reported by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in its two Kashmir reports of 2018 and 2019. During the last year, over 300 innocent people have been killed in the name of encounters. Breaking into houses and harassing residents is nothing unusual for the Indian armed forces. Reports of abductions, rapes and killings by the Indian army too are often heard.

Prison like conditions

Last year in August, the Indian government violated its constitution by usurping the Kashmiri people’s rights through parliament. To stop the protests, the entire valley with millions of residents have been put under house arrest like conditions. There are food shortages, students can’t go to educational institutions, and even congregation prayers are being stopped. With the spread of coronavirus, the lives of the people under the brutal BJP regime have become even harder. It is high time that the international community pays attention to this problem and resolves the Kashmir dispute as per the wishes of the people of the valley.  


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