Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rescuers continue search efforts as floods and cold lava claim 52 lives in Indonesia’s West Sumatra

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At least 52 people have been reported dead in Indonesia after torrential rain wreaked havoc in West Sumatra province triggering various catastrophic events, including flash floods, landslides, and cold lava flow, a mixture of volcanic ash, rock debris, and water.

More than 3,000 people have been evacuated, authorities said, with heavy rains expected until next week.

The authorities confirmed on May 14 that calamity struck three districts in West Sumatra province, worsened by the cold lava flow originating from Mount Marapi, one of Sumatra’s most active volcanoes.

Relief and rescue operation underway

Rescue operations continue in the affected areas. Police and military personnel along with local responders are combing through rubble and rivers, hoping to find survivors amidst the devastation.

Over 3,000 individuals have been evacuated from affected areas. Around 249 homes were destroyed, 225 hectares of land ravaged, and crucial infrastructure was damaged, leaving roads impassable and hindering relief and rescue operations, spokesman Ilham Wahab said.

“Besides searching for the missing persons, we will focus to clean the main roads from the mud, logs, large rocks brought by the floods onto roads and settlements,” Ilham added.

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) mobilized resources to aid affected communities, providing essential supplies like tents, blankets, food, and hygiene kits. However, logistical challenges persist due to impassable roads.

Television broadcasts depicted harrowing scenes of rescue teams navigating treacherous terrain, utilizing all available tools to unearth survivors and retrieve bodies.

Death toll feared to increase

With 50 bodies recovered by May 14, the death toll is feared to rise, as 27 individuals are still missing, National Disaster Management Agency spokesperson Abdul Muhari told.

The catastrophe underscored Indonesia’s vulnerability to natural disasters, with monsoon rains and volcanic activity posing persistent threats.

Mount Marapi’s sporadic eruptions add another layer of complexity to the region’s precarious situation. The mountain, among over 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia, serves as a reminder of the country’s susceptibility to seismic events.


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