Monday, July 1, 2024

Serbia in shock and grief after teenage boy kills 8 children, guard at school in Belgrade

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Tragedy struck Serbia on Wednesday when a 13-year-old student opened fire at Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School in the capital, Belgrade, killing nine people, including eight students and a school security guard. The suspect used his father’s gun to carry out the shooting, which also left six children and a teacher injured.

Police arrested the suspect, who has only been identified by his initials, K.K. He had reportedly planned his actions well in advance and had even written a list of children he intended to kill.

Authorities have declared three days of national mourning, and the case has sent shockwaves throughout the country. However, due to the suspect’s age, he cannot be held criminally responsible. Instead, the prosecutor’s office in Belgrade has ordered his father to be detained on suspicion of crimes against general security.

The tragedy once again sparked debates about gun ownership and access to firearms, with many calling for stricter regulations. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of ensuring the safety and security of educational institutions and their students.

Suspect called the police after shooting

The deputy principal of the Serbia school called the police to report the incident, but to his surprise, the suspect had also called the police to say he had just shot several people. He then went to the schoolyard to wait for officers to arrive. Video footage showed police removing the suspect with his head covered as he was led to a car.

The Belgrade Police Chief revealed that the victims included seven girls and one boy, and the suspect had a handwritten paper listing students he wanted to target, along with a sketch of the school’s layout.

“He even had … names of children he wanted to kill and their classes,” he told a news conference.

Police believe the attack was planned at least a month in advance.

3 days of national mourning declared

The Serbian government has declared three days of national mourning in response to the school shooting in Belgrade, according to Minister of Education Branko Ružić. The period is intended to allow families time to mourn their loved ones and for Serbians to consider how to prevent similar incidents.

Meanwhile, in a separate news item, Serbia’s media regulator, REM, mandated broadcasters to alter their programming following the conviction of the ‘Butcher of Bosnia’, Ratko Mladic, for genocide and crimes against humanity. These changes include withholding comedies and light entertainment and urging music broadcasters to play music in a minor key.

President urges to step up gun laws

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced tougher curbs on gun ownership. He announced a moratorium on new gun licenses other than for hunting, revision of existing permits, and surveillance of shooting ranges.

Gun ownership is widespread in Serbia, which has witnessed several mass shootings over the past decade.


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