Saturday, June 29, 2024


Hundreds of Hajj pilgrims reported dead amid extreme heat

Hundreds of pilgrims died during this year's Hajj pilgrimage, the world's largest annual pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, due to extreme heat, according to officials and eyewitnesses.

UN chief says world is on ‘highway to climate hell’ as planet hits 12 straight months of record-high heat

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres urged world leaders to take decision action to control of the spiraling climate crisis, saying “We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.”

Vietnam and Laos heat wave shatters all-time records

On May 6th, Hoi Xuan in Vietnam reached a scorching 44.1C, breaking the previous record for the country of 43.4C set in 2019.

Pakistan Meteorological Department stresses raising heatwave awareness

Changing weather patterns of Karachi have sent heatwave alarm for May and June The Meteorological Department stressed on raising awareness among the people on heatwave before any heat wave strike Karachi. According to the Met Department, the changing weather patterns in...

Over 80,000 forced to evacuate Canada town as massive wildfire encroaches

The entire population of Fort McMurray in northern Alberta, Canada has been ordered to abandon their homes after a wildfire ravaging a nearby forest moved into the area. The fire has already destroyed homes in several neighborhoods. Authorities ordered the...

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ASEAN Express to boost Malaysia’s trade connectivity with China and Southeast Asia

Malaysia’s trade connectivity with Southeast Asia and China received a boost with the launch of the ASEAN Express, an international freight train connecting Malaysia to Thailand, Laos, and China.