Monday, July 1, 2024

North Korea

Russia’s Putin visits North Korea and Vietnam to strengthen strategic ties

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Hanoi on June 20 after a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, signing new strategic partnership agreements with both the Asian countries.

US, Japan and South Korea activate real-time tracking of North Korean missiles

The United States, Japan, and South Korea have activated a trilateral real-time tracking system to detect and assess North Korea's missile launches.

South Korea, Japan and China diplomats pledge to renew cooperation in Seoul Summit after four-year hiatus

China, Japan, and South Korea have agreed to revive cooperation and facilitate a leaders' summit, possibly next year, aiming to alleviate regional tensions among the neighboring countries.

US, South Korea and Japan hold first-ever trilateral aerial exercise

South Korea, the United States, and Japan conducted their first-ever joint aerial drills on October 12, marking a historic milestone in their defense collaboration, confirmed Tokyo, Seoul, and Washington. The trilateral exercise took place south of the Korean Peninsula, where...

North Korea’s Kim meets Putin in rare visit to Russia

The two leaders discussed a wide range of topics, including military cooperation, the ongoing Ukraine war, and potential Russian support for North Korea's satellite program.

US warns North Korea would ‘pay a price’ if it supplies weapons to Russia

The US issued a stern warning to North Korea, saying it would "pay a price" if it proceeded with an arms deal with Russia, following reports of ongoing negotiations between the two countries.

North Korea simulated nuclear attacks on South Korea amid US-ROK drills

In a tense escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea has fired two short-range ballistic missiles during a military drill simulating a "nuclear strike" on targets within South Korea.

US and South Korea strengthen alliance, pledge stronger nuclear deterrence against North Korea

U.S. President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announced to strengthen security partnership as they unveiled a new strategic pact to deter North Korean aggression.

North Korean missile triggers fear and evacuation in Japan

North Korean missile sparked fear on the Japanese northern island of Hokkaido Thursday after the government alerted residents to take cover

South Korea allocates $440 million after North Korea sends drones cross border

South Korea announced spending $441 million over the next five years for a set of anti-drone projects, including the deployment of a laser weapons system, after a drone invasion from North Korea

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ASEAN Express to boost Malaysia’s trade connectivity with China and Southeast Asia

Malaysia’s trade connectivity with Southeast Asia and China received a boost with the launch of the ASEAN Express, an international freight train connecting Malaysia to Thailand, Laos, and China.