Friday, July 5, 2024

Social Media

Twitter aims to boost appeal with new 280-character tweet limit

Twitter says this major shift aims to address “a major cause of frustration” of many users Twitter - social networking service is testing allowing tweets to be expanded to 280 characters—double the existing limit—in the latest effort to boost flagging...

Riz Ahmed is the first Muslim and South-Asian actor to win Acting Emmy

“On The Night Of” Riz Ahmad plays Pakistani-American student who finds himself involved in a murder investigation British-Pakistani actor, Rizwan 'Riz' Ahmed won the best actor in a limited series or a television movie award at last night’s Emmys for...

Reality behind Blue Game challenge which has claimed 130 lives

The suicide challenge has already been linked to more than 100 deaths in Russia The Blue Whale Game has created horror around the globe, especially teenage suicide attempts are serious concerns for the parents. Blue Whale Challenge, also known as the...

WhatsApp to launch new feature for sending & receiving money

“WhatsApp Payments” feature is available in beta version and is under development WhatsApp aims to make the life of their users easy by introducing the Payments feature, which will enable you to send and receive money directly on your WhatsApp. WhatsApp...

Facebook rolls out a YouTube competitor called Watch

Users will see a new “Watch” tab appear on their feeds and will be able to add shows to their ‘Watchlist’ Facebook - the leading social giant has announced to introduce a new platform named ‘Watch’ which is a redesigned tab...

#GoneNawazGone: These are the best Tweets on Panamagate verdict

Pakistanis react to historic Supreme Court ruling disqualifying Nawaz Sharif The unbelievable has finally happened. The Supreme Court verdict is out. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been disqualified. The Supreme Court announced that the prime minister was disqualified from holding his office as he...

Facebook now has 2 billion users worldwide

Over 800 million Facebook users like something on average Use of the internet and social media is been oxygen to the world. These data statistic of social media users shows, number of people who have used Facebook regularly have been...

US singer Katy Perry makes Twitter history with 100M followers

Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, Rihanna and Justin Bieber are in the top five for most Twitter followers US singer-songwriter and pop star Katy Perry has made social media history by becoming the first person to reach 100M followers on Twitter. According to...

Pakistanis launch online campaign to protest against high fruit prices

Price hike in Ramazan compel Pakistanis for 3-day boycott of fruits In an effort to protest against soaring prices in Ramazan, an online campaign has been launched asking citizens all across the country to boycott fruit vendors from June 2...

EU fines Facebook $122 million over ‘misleading’ WhatsApp takeover

Facebook fine became third social media’s penalty in Europe within a week Facebook has been fined by the European Commission for "providing misleading information" during its 2014 acquisition of WhatsApp. The European Commission called it a "proportionate and deterrent fine". European Union's competition commissioner...

Latest News

Storms cause flooding in Switzerland, Italy and France as wildfires rage in Turkey and Greece

Extreme weather across Europe has caused four deaths in storms in Switzerland and northern Italy, while wildfires have forced evacuations in Greece and Turkey.