Friday, July 5, 2024

Neck to neck contest in the US Presidential Elections

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The election may be decided on the early ballots that make up a significant percentage in battle states

The U.S. Presidential election is going down to the wire with no clear winner late into the election night. While President Donald Trump is ahead in the all-important state of Pennsylvania, the high percentage of early votes are yet to be counted, which can swing the state towards former vice president Joe Biden. Historically, the early ballots are more favorable for the Democrats.

No big surprises

There haven’t been many big surprises so far on the road to 270 electoral votes. The only state that has given a surprise is Arizona, which will likely turn blue from red, giving Joe Biden an unexpected 11 electoral votes. Wisconsin and Michigan results are also crucial as the two candidates are fighting tooth and nail in these states. Donald Trump will ideally need to win both states to ensure a victory. Georgia is another state where Trump is ahead but early ballots may have the final say in the winner.

Trump may not concede

Donald Trump has given clear indications that he may not accept results in case of his defeat. At the deft end of his campaign, Trump riled up the narrative of election fraud, something his advisers suggested he does not do. With a very close election and the White House already talking about unfounded bias in Pennsylvania, the situation can get complicated.

Congress and Senate

The Democratic Party is ahead in the congress polls and is expected to maintain its lead in the house. Current projections show Dems ahead by 8 seats. For a majority, 218 seats are required. In the Senate, the race is very tight with Republicans holding a three-seat lead with 47 to 44. Not all states are holding Senate elections, and the status quo has been maintained. Other parties also have two seats. For the majority, 51 seats are needed.    


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