Monday, July 8, 2024


World’s largest marine park to be created in Antarctic Ocean

World's largest marine park will be created in the Ross Sea in Antarctica in landmark deal The European Union and 24 countries have reached a landmark international agreement to create the world’s largest marine park in the Southern Ocean, providing...

Two-thirds of wildlife may be gone by 2020: WWF

Wildlife populations have dropped by almost 60% in 40 years, WWF warns The latest report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Zoological Society of London said that the global wildlife population declined by nearly 60 percent over the past...

Climate is changing – Food and Agriculture must too

World Food Day highlights that climate is changing and that food and agriculture must too To mark the World Food Day 2016, a ceremony was held at the National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) in Islamabad. The theme for World Food Day this...

Investing in 10-year-old girls can unlock billions for national economies

UNFPA urges countries to focus on scaling up interventions to reach more girls, particularly those who are poorest and most vulnerable. ISLAMABAD -  By investing in the health, education and empowerment of its 10-year-old girls today, Pakistan has the potential to...

Proper handwashing may save lives of 800 children a day worldwide: UNICEF

Over 300,000 children under five died from diarrhoeal diseases linked to limited access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in 2015 - UNICEF ISLAMABAD - On the occasion of Global Handwashing Day, UNICEF says that, in 2015, more than 300,000...

Nearly 50 million children are refugees or migrants: UNICEF

War and poverty have forced 50 million children around the world from their homes, according to UNICEF. The number of child refugees has doubled in the last decade, the report "Uprooted: The growing crisis for refugee and migrant children" states. Up...

Turkey opens world’s widest suspension bridge linking Asia to Europe

Turkey opened one of the world's biggest suspension bridges in Istanbul spanning the strait between Asia and Europe. The government says it is the widest of its kind in the world ISTANBUL - Turkey unveiled the third biggest suspension bridge...

Number of drug dependent adults increase first time in six years: Drug Report 2016

Heroin use and related overdose deaths have increased sharply over the last two years in North America and Western and Central Europe World Around five per cent of the adult population, or nearly 250 million people between the ages of...

12th World Islamic Economic Forum begins in Indonesia

Be Careful with innovation based on greed, it is the government duty to make sure that each innovation can bring benefits to the people: Indonesian President Jokowi Widodo JAKARTA (Indonesia) - The 12th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) began in...

China launches world’s largest seaplane

China has unveiled the world’s largest amphibious aircraft following seven years of construction. Aircraft will be used for Marine Rescue Operations China has completed production of the world’s largest amphibious aircraft. The state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) unveiled the...

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Saudi Arabia grants citizenship to scientists, innovators and talented individuals – meet the first recipients

Saudi Arabia has granted citizenship to a selected number of scientists, doctors, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and talented people who have unique capabilities, expertise, and specializations.